Saturday, January 24, 2009

Aquest es la vida!

Hola amigos! I'm writing this from the living room of my apartment in Barcelona. I live with a single mom, Raquel, and one of her daughters, Marina. She has two other daughters, Adriana and Virginia. Virginia lives in Barcelona, but she's married, so she lives with her husband. Adriana is studying abroad in Rome, but is home for the weekend for her birthday. As far as the living situation goes, I'm pretty sure I won the lottery. My roommate, Josh, and I get along very well, and he's a spanish major, so he's serious about speaking spanish. We live in a very nice apartment in a very nice, central neighborhood. We have wireless internet, which, as I said before, is extremely rare for Spain.
Our mom is very happy that we want to use spanish a lot, and unless circumstances are dire, she won't speak to us in english. Everyone here speaks very quickly, so sometimes it is difficult to understand, but in only three days I have noticed a huge improvement. I bought a little notepad at the Bazaar de Xinos (kind of like the spanish Dollar General) and I'm writing down 5-10 words a day to learn. So far today I have "viento" (wind), and oler (to smell). There's a surprise party for Adriana's birthday tonight, so I'm very very excited about that! In the meantime, I'm going to hecharme una siesta (take a nap!). I've been taking lots of pictures, but I forgot to bring my camera cable, so later today or tomorrow I'm going to go find one at the corte ingles. Hasta luego!

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